Antoine Genest-Grégoire
Antoine Genest-Grégoire is a researcher and assistant professor of the Department of Taxation at Université de Sherbrooke. He is interested in tax policy, economic and social policy development.
Antoine is an assistant professor of the Department of Taxation at Université de Sherbrooke and a researcher at its Chaire en fiscalité et en finances publiques.
He studies the distributional effect of tax policy ,as well as how it is perceived by citizens, using surveys and administrative tax data. This includes work on partnering incentives in the Canadian tax system, tax literacy, motivational drivers of tax compliance, the simplicity of Canadian tax returns, capital gains taxation and perceptions of belonging to the middle class.
He has published in the National Tax Journal, the Canadian Tax Journal and Canadian Public Policy. His research had been abundantly covered in Canadian media and he provides regular comment on current tax policy issues in both French and English.
A recipient of both federal and Québec public funding for his research, Antoine holds a Ph.D. from Carleton University.