The stories we’ve been sold for decades about how our economy works have been collapsing in front of our eyes. Yet the most prominent, well-funded ideas for how to create economic opportunity and security for working people in Canada are stuck in the 1990s.
Free trade, privatization and low taxes on capital and wealth have led to economic insecurity and anxiety for working people. Their benefits have not trickled down.
Right now, our market economy is neither free nor fair. Gobsmacking inequality and high barriers to asset ownership and wealth building for working people are policy choices – and we can make different choices.
It is increasingly clear that governments must shape markets so they work for working people. Governments must aggressively push back against the economic practices that are consolidating wealth, concentrating ownership of assets and robbing working people of their political power and economic agency.
The stories we continue to be told about how the economy works are not true. It’s time for new, more accurate stories.
Solutions to the concentration of wealth, power and opportunity exist. At SCP, we are committed to highlighting these solutions and the increasingly clear evidence that there are alternatives that will build economic resilience, sustainable economic growth, community well-being, human happiness and democratic stability.
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Getting the facts straight on the changes to capital gains tax in budget 2024
Social Capital Partners' Chair, Jon Shell, sets the record straight on the capital gains changes in the 2024 Federal Budget.