We are always looking for ideas that will unlock pathways to wealth and economic security for working people.

We monitor what other countries are doing to see what is having the most impact. We look at what provincial, territorial and municipal governments are doing that can be scaled.

We focus on the issues where we can have the most impact, and where our leadership or support will be the most valuable.

If there is something we should explore further, please let us know.

On this topic

Civil Defence Canada helmet

Canada needs a new civil defence corps | The Tyee

If Canada were to build a civil defence program on the scale of those in Sweden or Finland, the numbers would be game-changing. As MASS LBP principal Peter MacLeod lays out in The Tyee, Canadians must be prepared to defend our sovereignty and citizens have roles to play.

A message from Social Capital Partners: We’re going to tell you the truth

There are lots of real, tangible public-policy solutions to the problems we face, says Matthew Mendelsohn. It begins with talking about the economy in a different way, grounded firmly in the public interest and data that reflect the reality of how people experience their economic lives.

Preparing for SCP’s next strategic phase

Social Capital Partners has a long history of investing in people and projects that create more economic opportunity in Canada. Recently, our focus has been on establishing more avenues for working Canadians to build wealth through ownership. Learn more about what we are moving towards.

Bank of Canada’s unproductive productivity speech

Social Capital Partners' CEO, Matthew Mendelsohn, reflects on the Bank of Canada's productivity speech and calls for need of fresh ideas, voices and questions.

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