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Optimizing the impact of Canada’s Small Business Financing Program

Social Capital Partners and Venture for Canada made a joint submission to Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to amend the Canadian Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP) to make it easier for would-be entrepreneurs to purchase existing businesses. Our recommendations to encourage more Entrepreneurship through Acquisition, or ETA, could help stop the decline in entrepreneurship, protect small businesses, keep wealth in Canadian communities and unleash more local, private-sector innovation.

Consultation on the future of competition policy in Canada

Canada’s existing competition regime is unfair for small business. We surveyed over 1,000 small business owners to understand how competition policy has affected them.


A positive vision for the future of Canadian competition policy

The concentration of corporate power in Canada can be traced back to the antiquated objectives of our nation’s competition policy. Our submission to the government’s review of the Competition Act provides sharp critiques and recommendations on a path forward.

Business-in-a-box concept paper

Small, independent businesses are the backbone of our economy. Unfortunately, they’ve become harder to start and struggle to compete with large chains. We’ve been inspired by owner-owned cooperatives that help small businesses thrive.

Rate drop rebate: final evaluation report

The story of the Rate Drop Rebate pilot, including key milestones, successes, dilemmas, insights and lessons learned. The Rate Drop Rebate was a unique partnership that brought SCP together with financial institutions, publicly funded employment service providers and the Government to reduce unfair barriers to employment and help grow the province’s small and mid-sized businesses.

Partnership council on employment oportunities for people with disabilities

The Partnership Council champions the hiring of people with disabilities and provides strategic advice to the Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure to enhance employment opportunities for Ontarians with disabilities.

Working together: Implementing a demand-led employment and training system

Canada’s approach to training and development needs reform. Billions of dollars are spent annually on job training and skills development, with limited evidence of lasting benefits. Most problematic, employers’ talent needs (i.e., actual skills demand) are not formally embedded in the process of determining how or where money is spent, leaving a fundamental disconnect between demand for skills and the investments being made by governments.

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