The answer to economic threats: Always Canada. Never 51.
Under economic threat from the Trump administration, Social Capital Partners launches a Special Series of policy ideas that support Canadian economic sovereignty, advance ownership for Canadians and reduce dependence on the U.S. Our CEO, Matthew Mendelsohn, explains how we need to seize this opportunity to advance the interests of workers, small businesses, the economically vulnerable and young Canadians who have known for a long time that our economy is not working well for them.
February 25, 2025Blog,Special SeriesEconomic policy,Never 51
The strength within: Some economists say we can’t count on fair and open trade with the U.S. anymore. Is it time for Canada to look inward instead? | Toronto Star
When U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to launch a full-blown trade war with its closest ally, many Canadians felt as if their best friend had suddenly turned around and stabbed them in the back. The Star spoke with economists, academics and other experts, including SCP CEO Matthew Mendelsohn, about how the country should best navigate this new era of Trump's isolationism, and found there are realistic steps we can take to reduce our dependence on the States.
February 8, 2025In the media,Special SeriesLocal economies,Economic policy,Never 51
Three ideas to make home ownership more affordable that aren’t getting the attention they need
Canadians are more vulnerable to Trump’s economic warfare today because our housing system is in crisis and has left many Canadians without affordable places to live. Some of our own bad policy choices have put us in this position of vulnerability. We've got three housing policy ideas we want the team at Missing Middle to look into.
February 3, 2025Blog,Special SeriesLocal economies,Economic policy,Small business,Competition,Housing,Never 51
Concepts of a plan to confront the new United States
Living next to a superpower run by oligarchs is not where we expected to be 20 years ago, says Matthew Mendelsohn. But it’s where we are. Pretending otherwise doesn’t serve our interests. Canada is big enough, powerful enough, smart enough and rich enough to build a stronger, more independent economy if we start now.
January 24, 2025Blog,Special SeriesChanging narratives,Economic policy,Never 51