Canada is wealthy, with enormous pools of capital to invest. Our investment funds are respected globally. We can put some of these investments to better use for the public good.

Financial returns are important for investors, but capital can be used to achieve more than financial returns.

We need to put more capital to work for the common good, like building affordable housing and community infrastructure. Right now, too much capital is being used to enrich the wealthy and concentrate economic and political power in fewer hands.

Over the years, SCP has been an early supporter of community finance, a pioneer in impact investing and an early investor in social enterprises. We need to do more to scale the use of investment capital to achieve public purpose.

Pension funds, public and private financial institutions and philanthropists can all do a better job of investing their capital in ways that lead to better economic and social outcomes for working people and communities.

On this topic

street scene

Rate drop rebate: final evaluation report

The story of the Rate Drop Rebate pilot, including key milestones, successes, dilemmas, insights and lessons learned. The Rate Drop Rebate was a unique partnership that brought SCP together with financial institutions, publicly funded employment service providers and the Government to reduce unfair barriers to employment and help grow the province’s small and mid-sized businesses.

Ontario financial institutions and government join forces to boost local businesses and do good in communities

Rate Drop Rebate™ pilot is expected to significantly impact those facing barriers to employment include students with limited work experience, long-term unemployed, older unemployed, people with disabilities, newcomers to Canada and unemployed Indigenous persons. The program aims to generate up to 1,100 new employment opportunities.

Employees at a coffee shop

Ontario improving employment opportunities for people facing barriers

Ontario is partnering with leading financial institutions to build on Social Capital Partners existing loan program and create a fund aimed at increasing employment opportunities for people facing employment barriers.

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